Time Warp - Spells - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Time Warp


  • Level: 85
  • Class: Mage
Time Warp
26% of base mana
Instant5 min cooldown
Requires level 85
Warp the flow of time, increasing melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party and raid members. Lasts 40 sec.

Allies receiving this effect will become unstuck in time, and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust, Heroism, or Time Warp again for 10 min.


Time WarpMagic
Melee, ranged, and spell casting speed increased by 30%.
40 sec remaining


Duration 40 sec
School Arcane
Dispel type Magic
Global Cooldown
Cost 26% of base mana
Range 0 yards (Self)
Cast time Instant
Cooldown 5 minutes
Level: 85
Effect #1 Apply Aura: Undefined Aura (192)
Value: 30
Radius: 100 yards
Effect #2 Apply Aura: Mod Scale
Value: 30
Radius: 100 yards
Effect #3 Apply Aura: Haste - Spells
Value: 30
Radius: 100 yards

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