Bring Bethor's Scroll to Apothecary Renferrel at the Silverpine Sepulcher.
Provided Item:
This Ichor was crafted by an old colleague of mine: Thule Ravenclaw. He was a young, promising mage before the great war, but when the Lich King rose to power, he betrayed his brethren and allied with the Scourge.
I did not realize he still lives, nor that he leads the Rot Hides in their forays against us!
I know many of his spells, and can help concoct a potion to counter them. Take this scroll back to Apothecary Renferrel. It has the incantations needed for the potion.
You will receive:
Greetings, <name>. What did Bethor have to say?
This scroll is laced with powerful magic. I've never used such forces in a potion ... it will be a powerful mixture, and should serve you well should you attack Thule in his stronghold on Fenris Isle.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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