Bring Thule's Head to High Executor Hadrec at the Sepulcher.
Now is the time to assault the Scourge's place of strength in Silverpine: Fenris Isle.
You must again go to the Isle and destroy Thule Ravenclaw. I want his head!
This mission is as dangerous as it is vital, <name>. You must not fail.
You can choose one of these awards:
The Scourge cannot be allowed to remain in Silverpine, <name>. Come back to me when you have proof of Thule's death.
The death of Thule Ravenclaw was no small event, <name>. Renferrel tells me that the energies released when you destroyed Thule were felt even as far as the Sepulcher.
Your actions ring through the ranks of the Forsaken. Your value to us grows.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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