What Tomorrow Brings - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
What Tomorrow Brings


Use the 7th Legion Telescope to Scout the Harbor.
Use the 7th Legion Telescope to Scout the Harbor.


<The F.C.D. buzzes.>

Look around the Cathedral Quarter. There should be a telescope nearby that the 7th Legion uses for spying. Find it and use it to scout the harbor. We need to find out how the 7th Legion got past our fleet.

Hurry, <name>. We can't hold these beasts back much longer.

What does tomorrow bring?


<The F.C.D. crackles with electricity.>

TORPEDOED! We had everything at the water line covered, but nothing below the line. They must have snuck in beneath our defenses and then blown our warships to smithereens.

And now the rest of the Alliance fleet is nearly here...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience (81 at max. level)
  • 6 Reputation with Undercity

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