On Whose Orders? - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
On Whose Orders?


Recover the Orders from High Command.


<The F.C.D. buzzes.>

The 7th Legion are an elite special ops regiment. They've been there, behind the scenes, for almost every major offensive and military engagement the Alliance has ever done. This is bad news. How did they get past our warships? And on whose orders are they here?

We need to get our hands on their orders. This Pietro character will undoubtedly have vital information. Find him at the Cathedral Quarter in Gilneas City and take him out. Search his corpse for clues.




<The F.C.D. crackles with electricity.>

An Alliance armada is en route? How could this have happened?

<Forward Commander Onslaught cuts out for a moment. You hear worgen howling in the background.>

You've got to hurry, <name>. We're being overrun up here at Forward Command.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience (81 at max. level)
  • 6 Reputation with Undercity

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