Keg Run - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Keg Run


Deliver the Mountaineer's Ale to Forba Slabchisel at Slabchisel's Survey.
Provided Item:
Mountaineer's Ale


Alright. We need to get this ale to where it's going right away!

Ironforge has sent out an expedition of surveyors to check the damage done to the wetlands when the dam burst. Forba Slabchisel's the one leading it...and believe me, you don't want to get on her bad side!

Showing up with an armful of ale will help with that. Go and take this ahead to her, and she might even ask you to stick around for some work.


Also, you get: 6


Aye? What've you got for me there?


Hah! Nice to see those addlebrained mountaineers knew to hand the ale off to a real man to get the job done.

Welcome to my survey. If you're of the mind to help Ironforge by takin' over the intended jobs of some useless, lazy sods that call themselves dwarves, you're in the right place!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 775 experience (46 50 at max. level)
  • 3 Reputation with Ironforge

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