Retrieve the Mountaineer's Ale from Dun Algaz.
You've got to help us, . We were tasked with escorting a precious cargo to our fellow dwarves...a keg full of the finest ale you can get out here!
Unfortunately, bird-brain over here fell asleep on the job! Those blasted orcs took our keg, and hauled it up into Dun Algaz where they're hiding.
This can't stand! Now, while I stay here and try to convince this idiot that it was his fault, I'd like you to go in there and get our keg back. For Khaz Modan!
Also, you get:
Do you have it? Is the poor thing intact?
Thank the Makers! It's downright pristine. Those orcs couldn't figure out the tap-lock, it seems...and couldn't hack through the mastercraft work of Ironforge's keg-crafters with their crude weapons!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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