Breastplate of Valor - Items - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Breastplate of Valor


  • Sell for: 3 56 11
Breastplate of Valor
Binds when picked up
609 Armor
+24 Stamina
+15 Strength
+10 Agility
Durability 135 / 135
Requires Level 58
Item Level 63
Equip: Increases your hit rating by 6.

Battlegear of Valor (0/8)
(2) Set: +200 Armor.
(4) Set: Increases Strength by 20.
(6) Set: Chance on melee attack to heal you for 87 to 132.
(8) Set: +8 All Resistances.
Sell Price: 3 56 11

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