Timear Foresees Titanium Vanguards in your Future! - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Timear Foresees Titanium Vanguards in your Future!


  • Level: 80
  • Requires level: 78
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Side: Both
  • Not sharable
  • Repeatable
  • Difficulty: 78  83  88
Closes Quests
Archmage Timear in Dalaran has foreseen that you must slay 7 Titanium Vanguards.
Titanium Vanguard slain (7)


The entirety of Azeroth is in peril. The mad god Loken has it within his power to put an end to everything!

Within the Terrestrial Watchtower at the Halls of Lightning, the titanium vanguards stand poised to execute Loken's dread will upon countless unknowing victims.

I have looked into the future, <name>. You are the one to see that this does not come to pass!


You can choose one of these awards:
Kirin Tor Commendation Badge Argent Crusade Commendation Badge Ebon Blade Commendation Badge Wyrmrest Commendation Badge Sons of Hodir Commendation Badge
Also, you get: 14 80


Even I cannot discern why it is that we are standing here speaking when you have yet to eliminate the threat of the titanium vanguards.


We are all in your debt, <name>.

If I am certain of anything, it is that you have not failed us, nor will you in the future!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 33100 experience (19 86 at max. level)
  • 3 Reputation with Kirin Tor

Additional Information