Mac'Aree Mushroom Menagerie - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Mac'Aree Mushroom Menagerie


Jessera of Mac'Aree at Blood Watch wants 1 Aquatic Stinkhorn, 1 Blood Mushroom, 1 Ruinous Polyspore, and 1 Fel Cone Fungus.


Did you know mushroom hunting is far more dangerous than mushroom consumption? Mushroom hunters expose themselves to many unknowns - not including potential wildlife dangers!

What would life be without a little danger? I am in need of mushrooms for my collection. Scattered throughout these unexplored wilds you will find four different types: An aquatic stinkhorn, a blood mushroom, a ruinous polyspore, and a fel cone fungus. They are each unique to various regions in Bloodmyst. Bring them to me.


You can choose one of these awards:
Jessera's Fungus Lined Cuffs Jessera's Fungus Lined Bands Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers
Also, you get: 13


Remember, the mushrooms I requested are each unique to the different environments of Bloodmyst.


Well, I did warn you - did I not? Hopefully this payment more than makes up for the mild discomfort that you may have suffered. Return to me when you have gained strength and perhaps I will have another job for you - mushrooms of course!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 968.75 experience (46 50 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Exodar

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