Incriminating Documents - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Incriminating Documents


Bring the Incriminating Documents to Aeldon Sunbrand at Falconwing Square in Eversong Woods.
Provided Item:
Incriminating Documents


The documents contain detailed maps of different strategic buildings in Eversong Woods. A diagram of an arcane sanctum is also sketched in good detail. There seem to be numerous notes in a language you don't recognize.

As these were carried by a Darnassian spy, it might be a good idea to bring them to the Captain of the Guard - Aeldon Sunbrand.


Also, you get: 2 50


You've got something for me? Let me take a look.


Are you sure you found these on a night elf? They're clearly written in Dwarven...

From what I can understand of this letter, whoever wrote this did not cause the malfunction, but rather was sent here as a spy to observe the results of it. They call our endeavors reckless and dangerous... but who?

Of course! That envoy from Ironforge! We were fools to trust anyone belonging to the Alliance!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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