Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Wanted - Arnak Grimtotem


  • Level: 29
  • Requires level: 20
  • Side: Horde
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 20  21  25  30
Slay Arnak Grimtotem and bring proof of your deed to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post.


Wanted: Arnak Grimtotem

Arnak the outcast is wanted for the heinous crimes of murder and kidnapping. Handsome rewards will be given to those brave enough to bring this criminal to justice.

Arnak was last seen on the cliffs near the Darkcloud Pinnacle. Show the proof of your deed to Cliffwatcher Longhorn in Freewind Post in order to claim the reward.


You can choose one of these awards:
Brawnhide Armor Plainsguard Leggings


Have you any news of that murderous Arnak Grimtotem?


Hah! Well, this is excellent news! I was starting to think that he would never be brought to justice!

Here you are, <name>... and thanks. News of Anrak's foul deeds boiled my blood!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2350 experience (1 41 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Thunder Bluff

Additional Information