Retrieve the contents of one of the Dalaran wizards' crates. You will find Pyrewood Village to the south.
As you may know, the town of Ambermill remains a source of human opposition, mainly through the support they receive from the wizards of Dalaran.
I don't know what their plan is, but for them to show interest in a backwater village like Ambermill indicates that it must have some greater importance.
They've been shipping crates by the wagon from Hillsbrad. Many of those supplies end up at a small camp north of Pyrewood Village. Retrieve the contents of a crate and return them to me.
<Prying open the lid of the crate, you find an assortment of carefully-packed objects. On the top of the crate lies a bundle of maps, yellowing with age, that appear to depict Silverpine Forest and other parts of western Lordaeron.
Underneath the maps is a mysterious-looking magical pendant.>
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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