Retrieve Apothecary Berard's journal from Pyrewood Village and take it to Apothecary Renferrel at the Sepulcher.
You can be of further service to the Royal Apothecary Society, <name>.
When Arugal cast his wretched magic on the forest, he cursed one of our most promising members, Apothecary Berard. Now a mindless servant of Arugal, Berard is useless to us. But his findings might prove to be of worth. He was studying an ancient plague that killed off all the aquatic life in Lake Lordamere ages ago.
Retrieve Berard's Journal from his study in the Pyrewood Village Inn and take it to Apothecary Renferrel.
Also, you get:
I see you are back, <name>.
Apothecary Berard's journal! Why you are quite brave, <name>. Now let's see what Berard was up to before he went mad. . .
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