Dalar Dawnweaver at the Sepulcher wants you to kill 5 Moonrage Whitescalps.
Lady Sylvanas has charged Varimathras with the conquering of the human and dwarven lands to the south.
But that fool, Arugal -- charlatan of Dalaran and now cursed beast of Shadowfang Keep -- let his reckless magic wreak havoc with the strategic stronghold of Silverpine Forest.
I need someone skilled in the ways of combat to help clean up Arugal's mess. Prove yourself to me by killing 5 Moonrage Whitescalps. The wretched beasts can often be found just off the road, down the hill below.
Also, you get:
3 50
If you wish to prove yourself to me, you must kill 5 Moonrage Whitescalps. Accomplish that task, and I will see to it your skill is put to more worthy assignments.
You have served me well, <class>. It is obvious to me that you will be a worthy aide to me as I prepare to rid Silverpine Forest of Arugal's curse.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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