Eyes on the Prizes - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Eyes on the Prizes


  • Requires level: 1
  • Side: Both
  • Not sharable
Use the Darkmoon Craftsman's Kit to make 5 Darkmoon Prizes from Coarse Thread, Shiny Baubles, and Blue Dye.
Provided Item:
Darkmoon Craftsman's Kit


The games are more popular than ever, and that means we're giving out prizes faster than we ever have before!

We're going to need more prizes, and fast. If you've some skill in leatherworking, I can give you a kit. You'll need to buy some of the pieces from a trade goods merchant like Shadi Mistrunner up on the central rise of Thunder Bluff, but they're inexpensive.

Are you willing to help?


You will receive:
Darkmoon Game Token


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

Additional Information