Live Bait - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Live Bait


Closes Quests
Use Grimnur's Bait on yourself, then jump into Helm's Bed Lake in Dun Morogh.
Catch Cold Water Crayfish
Take Crayfish to Cook Ghilm
Provided Item:
Grimnur's Bait


If ye've ever fished fer crayfish, ye know they respond best to live bait, an' the more bait, the better. Would ye like to test my new bait? Simply smear this on yerself an' hop into Helm's Bed Lake in eastern Dun Morogh.

After ye've got the catch, take it to me friend, Cook Ghilm at Gol'Bolar Quarry, west of the lake. He's an expert at cookin' those oversized bugs!


You will receive:
Bag of Shiny Things
Also, you get: 1 25


These are beautiful, <name>! Grimnur's goin' tae be so proud when he hears about this!

Oh, he did say tae pass this along tae ye, if the scheme worked.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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