Kurdran's Waitin' - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Kurdran's Waitin'


Speak to Kurdran Wildhammer inside of the Highbank Keep in Twilight Highlands.


It looks like the attack stopped, <name>. Which is a shame, 'cuz we never got to use the <class>-rocket.

Anyways, Kurdran Wildhammer is up in the top of the keep an' I'm sure he'll be wantin' to gives ya a hero's welcome. Yeh earned it! Go talk to 'im!

I'll move on ahead and scout out the beach.


Also, you get: 4 50


The King himself sent you? Good to hear that Stormwind is secure.

I was expecting more in the way of troops, but word is that the Alliance fleet was ambushed by the Horde on the way here. They gave as good as they got, but the fleet is in shambles.

If we're to make any forward progress here in the Highlands, we're going to need the help of heroes like you.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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