Burnin' at Both Ends - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Burnin' at Both Ends


Collect 10 bags full of Cannon Powder.


Har! We get to jump right inta the action, <name>. Looks like Highbank has whatcha call a zeppelin problem: that airship is poundin' the crap outta the walls.

Listen, I've got me an idear so stupid it's genius. I just need some cannon powder.

Collect as much as you can find around Highbank an' meet me by the trade area!


Also, you get: 9


I need more powder! Get me more powder! More more more!


Aye, that'll do 'er.

<Flintlocke stuffs some of the powder in his mouth.>

Ohhh, fresh. Heady. Redridge fine grain with a hint of Westfall sulphur and a mild aftertaste. Highbank gets the good stuff.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 55200 experience (33 12 at max. level)

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