Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest! - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest!


1.Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest!
Report to Grand Executor Mortuus at Forsaken High Command in Silverpine Forest.


All able-bodied members of the Horde are hereby ordered to report to Grand Executor Mortuus at Forsaken High Command in Silverpine Forest.

Now, more than ever, your help is needed in routing the enemy infestation of the region and conquering the port of Gilneas!

To reach Forsaken High Command you must travel south through Tirisfal Glades and enter Silverpine Forest. From there, follow the road south until you reach Forsaken High Command.

Destiny calls!


Most excellent! A new recruit has arrived. There is much to do... much to do I say.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 850 experience (5 10 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Undercity

Additional Information