Bring the Writings of the Dark Herald to Ranger Glynda Nal'Shea at Lor'danel.
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The scrolls are vague and appear to be a piece of a much larger puzzle, but if you are not mistaken, they seem to reveal some of the steps on the path to becoming a demon hunter.
The dark oaths and rituals necessary for becoming a demon hunter are frowned on by most of the night elves, so this is likely something they would be very interested in keeping quiet.
Ranger Glynda Nal'Shea wil know what to do with these scrolls.
Also, you get:
How can I help you, <class>?
Where did you find these?! You haven't shown them to anyone else, have you?
I apologize. You took me off guard. Telarius was a very powerful Demon Hunter, but he was slain during a confrontation with the warden, Maeiv, many years ago. You are fortunate that his ghost was only a shade of his former power. I wonder how many have found their way to him in those ruins.
I will see to it that these scrolls make their way to the high priestess immediately. Thank you, <name>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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