The Howling Oak - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
The Howling Oak


Speak to Genn Greymane at the Howling Oak in Darnassus.


So this is it... our new home. I'm not sure if I'll ever feel like I truly have a home again.

We mustn't be unappreciative of what the night elves have offered us though. Their race is not one to throw out idle welcomes to just anyone. It is a true testament to faith and generosity that they've taken us in.

Gwen and Greymane are in the city proper, at the Howling Oak. You should stop by. Take the portal beneath the tree north of us, then seek out the Howling Oak in the northern portion of the city.


Also, you get: 1 75


This oak was grown through the aid of the druids from a seed taken back on Gilneas. It stands for all that we've endured, and all that we've accomplished.

May it serve to remind us that our curse is also our blessing.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 400 experience (2 40 at max. level)

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