Traitors! - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database


Hide behind the Neferset Frond and Uncover the Neferset Secret.
Neferset Secret uncovered


Please, stranger. You must help me.

I came here to investigate the arrival of a powerful ally to the Neferset, only to be betrayed by my closest allies and given up to the enemy.

Go to the terrace above us to the east and find the information I failed to uncover. You'll need to hide from the Neferset. Perhaps you can hide behind one of the large plants on the platform to conceal your presence.

Do this for me and I will help your friends find their way to safety.


Also, you get: 8 60


A djinn! We must escape as soon as possible.

This unholy alliance of the Neferset with the minions of Deathwing does not bode well for us.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 43900 experience (26 34 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Ramkahen

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