The Root of the Corruption - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
The Root of the Corruption


Go to the northeastern source of the Nilos River and slay Scalemother Hevna.
Scalemother Hevna slain


You might have dealt with the symptoms of our problem, <name>. But I've been studying these foul beasts and the eggs are not laid here by them.

The stream from the current carries their eggs to the dam, but whatever is laying them will be found upstream.

Go northeast, to the river's main source, and deal with the root of the corruption.


You can choose one of these awards:
Scales of the Scalemother Hevna's Eye Socket Corrupted Eggshell Drape
Also, you get: 8 60


Yes. The waters are clearing up.

I am certain I will be visited by a vision before the High Council meets.

Be warned, <race>. My vote will only be swayed by what I see.

You might have helped us greatly here today, but if the vision sways me to make a case against war then that is the way my vote will be cast.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 43900 experience (26 34 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Ramkahen

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