Small Comforts - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Small Comforts


Find and return Meara's Dried Roses, Parlan's Ivory Hammer, and Aprika's Doll.


You're the new face that's meant to be helping Keegan out I take it? Pleasure to meet you. Maybe you can lend a favor or two more to the troubled Wildhammer that have made refuge here.

We were all forced to retreat to this building quickly, and some of us left behind things of great value in our destroyed homes nearby. Would you mind bringing them back after you go out there? You would bring happiness to some very troubled souls.


You can choose one of these awards:
Fire-Dodged Shoulderpads Waistguard of Salvaged Happiness Legplates of Remnants Drape of Lost Valuables
Also, you get: 9


Were you able to find their valuables. I know it seems so minor, but little things make a big difference to some people in times like these.


You are very generous. Thank you.

There's a lot of darkness in our world these days. We appreciate the light that you've brought here.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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