Pyrewood's Fall - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Pyrewood's Fall


  • Level: 19
  • Requires level: 15
  • Side: Horde
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 15  16  20  25
Use the Bundle of Torches to torch the Pyrewood Town Hall, Pyrewood Inn and Pyrewood Chapel.
Pyrewood Inn torched
Pyrewood Chapel torched
Pyrewood Town Hall torched
Provided Item:
Bundle of Torches


The attacks against our front are a distraction. With our attention turned towards the worgen onslaught, the Alliance has managed to take Pyrewood Village from our occupying forces.

<Godfrey hands you a bundle of torches.>

It must be purged.

With these torches we will burn Pyrewood Village to the ground, leaving only ashes for the enemy to hide behind.

Let us not waste another minute. Pyrewood Village is located southwest of the Forsaken Front. Lead us there, <name>.


The part of me that was Gilnean died at Tempest's Reach. Only vengeance remains, <name>. To that end, we have work to do. Spare me your pointless queries.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1800 experience (1 8 at max. level)
  • 6 Reputation with Undercity

Additional Information