Escape the Ruins of Gilneas with Arthura and the corpse of Lord Godfrey.
| Escape the Ruins of Gilneas. |
With our mission objective secured, the time has come for us to make our escape. Though Gilneas is lost, with the aid of Godfrey and his lieutenants we will have it back in no time at all.
Go now, <name>. Fly back with Arthura to the Forsaken Front in southern Silverpine Forest. The Banshee Queen awaits your arrival.
You can choose one of these awards:
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I had no doubt that you would succeed, <name>. I hope you can understand why I kept the true purpose of your mission a secret. Should Crowley and Bloodfang have found out about our plan, they would have surely gotten to Godfrey first and disposed of the body.
Stand by, <name>. The time of their rebirth is at hand.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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