Dastardly Denizens of the Deep - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Dastardly Denizens of the Deep


Bring Dastardly Denizens of the Deep to "Dirty" Michael Crowe on the Theramore docks.
Provided Item:
Dastardly Denizens of the Deep


You know, it's amazing what you can find in that old lighthouse. After I lit the lamp, I noticed this book in one of the old trunks up there.

<Babs holds up the book and reads the title dramatically.>

"Dastardly Denizens of the Deep!"

Why, I think I might swoon if I ever saw one of these! I'm sure it's good for a laugh or two, but I simply don't have time for reading right now.

You know who might enjoy it, though... that fishmonger on the docks, "Dirty" Michael Crowe. He collects old books.


What'll it be today? The snook is quite good.


Well, now, that was thoughtful o' Babs to send that over. I don't know if you've leafed through it or not, but there's a lot of truth to the tales in that book. Sailors didn't just make it all up, you know.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1750 experience (1 5 at max. level)

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