Orcs are in Order - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Orcs are in Order


Deliver the Admiral's Commendation Letter to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner at Forsaken High Command in Silverpine Forest.
Provided Item:
Admiral's Commendation Letter


<Admiral Hatchet hands you an envelope sealed with the mark of the Horde.>

This is your commendation letter. It's the least I could do for you given the circumstances.

Return to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner with the letter and inform her of our status. Let her know that we will be ready to march on her command.

Goodbye, <name>. You are an excellent soldier.

Northeast, lad. To Forsaken High Command!


And the orcs?


<Sylvanas raises an eyebrow.>

So the orcs are in order?

<Sylvanas reads the commendation letter.>

Recovered their supplies? Killed a dozen worgen? Toppled an ettin? Freed their soldiers and destroyed the Skitterweb matriarch?

I say this rarely, <name>, but I am impressed. Perhaps your ability matches your aspirations. We shall see, for now you will be tested!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1309.3289689034 experience (48 at max. level)
  • 7 Reputation with Undercity
  • 7 Reputation with Orgrimmar

Additional Information