The Warchief's Fleet - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
The Warchief's Fleet


Report to Admiral Hatchet at the Forsaken Rear Guard in Silverpine Forest.


Our reinforcements from Kalimdor arrived last night. Three orc gunships full of supplies, weapons and soldiers. Three orc gunships lost to Bloodfang's damned worgen.

How could an entire orc fleet lose to a small band of enemy combatants that lack any siege weaponry? An important question that you will answer for me.

Gather your gear and report to the orc admiral, Hatchet, at the Forsaken Rear Guard, southwest of here.

Get those orcs operational, <name>.

I await your full report.


This fiasco may go down as one of the biggest embarrassments in the history of naval warfare. How did this happen? Drunk happened. That's how.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 87.5 experience (2 10 at max. level)
  • 1 Reputation with Undercity
  • 1 Reputation with Orgrimmar

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