Kill 10 Worgen Renegades.
The battle over this region still rages, <name>nub. Although we soundly beat back the Gilnean defenses and took Gilneas for the Horde, a small group of rebels managed to escape. The "Gilneas Liberation Front" - as they call themselves - make attacks of opportunity against our forces in the field. The rebels have had a few minor victories and now grow brazen in their assaults! The time to strike back is now, <name>nub.
Venture south into the wilds of Silverpine and kill any rebel that you cross.
You can choose one of these awards:
<name>nub has returned! And in one piece!
Defender of Silverpine! Redeemer of the Horde! <name>nub, your bravery must be rewarded!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
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