A Woodsman's Training - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
A Woodsman's Training


2.A Woodsman's Training
Closes Quests
Learn Steady Shot from Ayanna Everstride. Look for a Training Dummy southeast of Aldrassil, and practice using Steady Shot 5 times.
Practice Steady Shot (5)


When most people think of the kaldorei, they conjure visions of druids and sentinels, but the way of the hunter is just as ancient and just as venerable.

I've been observing you, and you've had quite a bit of experience handling that bow. I want to show you a shooting technique that I often use in combat.

I want you try it. Look for a training dummy near the southeastern edge of Aldrassil.


You are a quick study in our ways. I look forward to continuing your training in the future. Return to me when the time is right.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 250 experience (1 50 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Darnassus

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