Return to Raene - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Return to Raene


Deliver Dartol's Rod to Raene Wolfrunner at Astranaar in Ashenvale.
Provided Item:
Dartol's Rod


I suggest you find Raene and let her know the rod is finished. I'm sure she'll know what your next course should be.

Be careful... I sense a great deal of power within it for both good and ill. I hope that you and Raene know what you are doing.

Good luck, <name>.


Yes, <name>? How go your efforts?


You've recreated the rod Teronis had set out to find? That's wonderful to hear.

Shael'dryn has been indispensible in her assistance. Teronis would be proud to see his quest is continuing even after his tragic passing.

<Raene looks over the reconstructed rod with a look of approval and thoughts racing behind her eyes.>

Now it is time for us to make use of its power to eliminate the enemies of Ashenvale!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 190 experience (11 40 at max. level)
  • 1 Reputation with Darnassus

Additional Information