At All Costs - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
At All Costs


Kill 20 Kvaldir attackers within Quel'Dormir Temple.

This task is part of a Naz'jar Battlemaiden vision. If needed, use the Blade of the Naz'jar Battlemaiden at a time focus to return to the vision.
Attacking Kvaldir slain (20)


We are to begin the ritual immediately, and you are to see to it that we are not interrupted.

Slaughter any Kvaldir that enter the temple. See to it that my priestesses live to see their task complete, no matter the cost.


Azjentus is to be taken at his word. Lady Naz'jar's Honor Guard should be sufficient to see the rest of the ritual through.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 34650 experience (20 79 at max. level)

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