Still With The Zapped Giants - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Still With The Zapped Giants


Use Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker to zap Shore Striders and collect 6 Miniaturization Residues.
Provided Item:
Zorbin's Ultra-Shrinker


Hey pal! I'm still working on a variant of a gnomish shrinking ray, using superior GOBLIN technological advances in its construction! In an effort to avoid inconveniences for myself such as death, I'd like for you to try it out on some of the sea giants along the coast here. You should find miniaturization residue on them after you shrink them - bring me back some!


You will receive:
Zorbin's Mega-Chopper
Also, you get: 40


I had to tweak the thing to stop working on mountain giants. Even though I wasn't the one running around zapping things, those night elves beat the copper out of me after they found those guys shrunk.


Splendifimous! Not only am I glad to see that you've returned with the residue, but also with all your major appendages intact! That is, well, there was never any danger in using the Ultra-Shrinker, now was there!

I do appreciate your effort on my behalf, <name>. Truly, you are a friend to goblins everywhere. Accept this as a token of my appreciation!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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