Might of the Stonemaul - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Might of the Stonemaul


Disrupt Cho'Gall's Twilight Sermon.
Sermon disrupted


So the Twilight's Hammer thinks it can just raise its own army of ogres here? In the middle of Horde territory?

We'll see about that.

Ogres only respect one thing: strength. I want you to lead the assault on Cho'gall's sermon, <name>. Throw wide the doors of Dire Maul, leap into the arena, and cut down his attendants.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sermon-Halter Gloves Ogre's Coif Stonemaul Slinger
Also, you get: 80


We've done it! Cho'gall himself has been utterly humiliated by you. His minions are dead, the Gordok are scattered, and now all will know the might of the Horde! Lok'tar, <name>. You've more than earned your reward.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4600 experience (2 76 at max. level)
  • 6 Reputation with Orgrimmar

Additional Information