Survey the Destruction - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Survey the Destruction


Speak with Nibb Spindlegear at Honor's Stand to survey the cataclysm's destruction.
Survey Complete


I had heard of enormous seismic anomalies here in Kalimdor, but I had no inkling that the geological chaos would be so profound!

I need an up-to-date survey of the destruction while I stay here to study the seismographic readings. Could you gather some data via my automated survey craft? I'll take care of all the flying.

When the survey is complete, present the data to my colleague Horton Gimbleheart in Northwatch.


Also, you get: 21


What, what!? Can't you see we're under attack here!

<Gimbleheart snatches the readouts from the survey craft, then stuffs them haphazardly into a duffel bag.>

Yes sure of course I'll give Nibb's findings careful study. Later. From the safety of the Eastern Kingdoms, if I have any say about it!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1850 experience (1 11 at max. level)
  • 3 Reputation with Gnomeregan

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