Firestone Point - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Firestone Point


Seek out Dorn Redearth at Firestone Point in Southern Barrens.


Can you do me a huge favor, <name>? My sister-in-law's uncle is in the Earthen Ring, and he's here in the Barrens studying the impact of the Cataclysm, down at Firestone Point. He says their camp is surrounded by quilboar and I worry that they might get overrun.

Can you check in on Dorn Redearth for me? I'd hate for anything to happen to him, what with the close family bond and all.


What? Little Logan thinks I might need protection?

It's me doing the protectin'!

The quilboar here are poised to rampage. They've choked off the entire south, and we're the only thing standing in their way.


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