Darkest Mojo - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Darkest Mojo


  • Level: 45
  • Requires level: 43
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Mazoga
  • End: Mazoga
  • Not sharable
  • Difficulty: 43  48  53
Collect 8 Darkest Mojo from Sandfury Zombies.


Jang'thraze eludes me, mon...de blood is not enough. We gonna need somethin' stronger to find it.

When you need every troll you got to help out to scrape by, one o' them dyin' on ya is a big problem, mon, an' dat's why de Sandfury learned to raise our dead wit' da voodoo. You fall over, you just get back up again and keep workin...forever!

De zombies we make be imbued wit' darkest mojo. You go on to de west an' find a whole mess o' dem, an' get me dat mojo, yah?


Also, you get: 65


You got de stuff, mon?


<Mazoga tilts his head back and inhales the clumps of mysterious material. His eyes flash.>

Powerful stuff, mon...ah, if ya could see what I see now...mebbe you go try it yaself sometime.

The spirits call...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5550 experience (3 33 at max. level)

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