The Arts of a Priest - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
The Arts of a Priest


  • Level: 3
  • Requires level: 1
  • Side: Horde
  • Class: Priest
  • Start: Tunari
  • End: Tunari
  • Not sharable
Speak to Tunari to train Flash Heal. Use Flash Heal 5 times to heal Wounded Darkspear Watchers around the Darkspear Training Grounds.
Practice Flash Heal (5)


I tink I have something I can show ya. It's pretty simple really, but it should help.

With a quick gatherin' of holy energies, ya can bind ya wounds or the wounds of ya friends. Dis magic be quick, but it also be drainin' on you. As time goes on, ya will learn more varieties of it that won't drain ya quite so heavily.

Try it out. Let me know when ya tink you have it down.


Also, you get: 40


Good work, mon! Dis stuff come easy to ya.


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