Report for Tryouts - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Report for Tryouts


Speak with Coach Crosscheck at Kajaro Field on Kezan.


<name>, Coach Crosscheck is looking for you. He's the leader of our fearless footbomb team, the Bilgewater Buccaneers.

He says that the division title against the Steamwheedle Sharks is on the line and that you're the only one that can bring it home for us!

Head west into town. You can't miss Kajaro Field.

A footbomb star. This is going to be great for your image!


There you are, my boy ! Quick, there's no time to waste! We need to get one of these shredders back in working order.

I'm bringing you off the bench... you're going to win the game and the title for us!


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