Speaking Their Language - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Speaking Their Language


Blow the Horn of Challenge in the Bristleback Challenge Ring, and defeat Sabersnout in single combat.
Sabersnout slain
Provided Item:
Horn of Challenge


The quilboar are attacking because they perceive weakness. Strength is the only language they understand. So we will show them strength.

<Makaba withdraws a large horn from his satchel.>

This is admittedly crude work but it'll do. Bristleback leaders use horns like these to challenge one another for dominance.

<name>, I want you to challenge the Bristleback champion, Sabersnout, to single combat. Defeat him in front of his followers. Blow the horn at the Bristleback challenge ring due south of here.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sabersnout's Cloak Boarpocalypse Boots Bristleback Challenge Ring
Also, you get: 30


Have you taken the Bristlebacks down a peg or two?


What? He attacked you with a dozen boars? I guess quilboar have their own ideas of what "single combat" means.

Still, the Bristleback will be left reeling after the blow you delivered. It will not be long before a new champion rises amongst them to stir up trouble... but at least this buys us some time to get these refugees relocated safely.

Thank you, <name>. The survivors owe you a great debt.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3350 experience (2 1 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Thunder Bluff

Additional Information