A Hello to Arms - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
A Hello to Arms


Deliver the Armed Azsharite Core to Bleenik Fizzlefuse at Bilgewater Harbor. Speak with Friz Groundspin for a free airlift.
Azsharite Core Delivered
Provided Item:
Armed Azsharite Core


<name>, I've taken the purified sample of Azsharite you rescued from the lab and I've weaponized it. If my calculations are correct, it will detonate with enough force to level a city.

If I'm wrong, we may cleave the planet in two.

The only way to find out is a test-firing! Deliver the Azsharite core to the giant cannon in Bilgewater and report to Bleenik Fizzlefuse. My pilot-for-hire Friz Groundspin here can give you a ride.

I'll follow... from a safe distance.


Also, you get: 5


What's that you've got there - did Grapplehammer send you?


Oh! This is it! It's the big one!

<Fizzlefuse calls out to his workers.>

We're in business boys!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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