Profitability Scouting - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Profitability Scouting


Use the stealth field generator to infiltrate the Ruins of Eldarath and identify the Heart of Arkkoroc.
Heart of Arkkoroc identified
Provided Item:
Stealth Field Generator


Things seem to be quieting down a bit. Gallywix will probably keep forking out cash to keep us posted here, but I have a feeling we might be able to milk a bit more out of the deal.

Naga and Sea Giants aren't normally friends, so the naga must be controlling them somehow. Take this stealth field generator, get in those ruins, and let me know if you find something that looks really pricey.


You can choose one of these awards:
Molotov Gloves Pricey Bracers
Also, you get: 23


Hahah! Sweet deal. I'll get the ball rolling on this. All I need now is to find a buyer and get the go-ahead from Uncle Bedlam.

Here are your wages for your work here. Excellent work, soldier.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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