Winterhoof Cleansing - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Winterhoof Cleansing


Use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well.
Well Cleansed
Provided Item:
Winterhoof Cleansing Totem


I have crafted the totem to cleanse the Winterhoof Water Well. Now, you must take it to the well and perform a cleansing ritual. The well is to the southeast, but be warned: whoever did this may still be there, laying in wait.

This may prove very dangerous, <name>. Be careful...but do not let the defilers of our well escape.


You can choose one of these awards:
Legs of the Long Day Plains Hunter Guards


Do not delay, <name>. The Winterhoof Well must be purified!


The Grimtotem...

<Mull scowls.>

I'd hoped to see the end of my days before Tauren attacked other Tauren senselessly on the very plains of Mulgore. But be proud, <name>. You have done a great thing for the land, and for our people.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 550 experience (3 30 at max. level)
  • 5 Reputation with Thunder Bluff

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