Rite of Vision - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Rite of Vision


Consume the Water of Vision in front of the tribal fire in Bloodhoof Village.
Water of Vision consumed
Provided Item:
Water of Vision


Again, be sure you are ready to leave Bloodhoof Village behind, <name>. The next step on your journey will take you far from here.

Your path continues to lead onward, across the fields of Mulgore, the eyes of the Earth Mother on you at all times. When you are ready, consume the waters near the tribal fire. Once you have ingested the holy waters, your eyes will be opened, and the spirits will guide you.


You can choose one of these awards:
Earthmother's Vest Rainwalker's Bracer


Be not afraid, <name>. You have successfully passed the Rite of Vision.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 450 experience (2 70 at max. level)
  • 4 Reputation with Thunder Bluff

Additional Information