The Baron's Demands - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
The Baron's Demands


If you trust him, talk to Baron Longshore to free him from his manacles.
Deal Struck with Baron Longshore


I'm bound fer that gallows fer sure, mate. That treasure's no good to me now...

Unless I can use it ta buy me life. I'll make a deal with ye, <race>. Smash these manacles and I'll tell ye where me treasure's buried.

Oh, me word is good, friend. I used ta be a real Baron, ye know.


<The Baron rubs his sore wrists, his face widening into a malevolent grin.>

Oh I won't be runnin' off just yet. I'll free me mates and murder my way out of here at a time of me choosin'. As fer you - a deal's a deal. Let's talk about that treasure...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 290 experience (17 40 at max. level)

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