Got Some Flotsam? - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Got Some Flotsam?


Collect 5 pieces of Salvageable Greymist Wreckage from along the shore and in the water near the Remtravel Excavation.


We can figure this out, <name>. We just need some Dwarven ingenuity. Think, Groffy, think!

These murlocs are just looking for a home, right? Let's do something constructive. I mean that literally.

All sorts of debris was washed ashore during the catastrophe, and some of the decimated murloc hovels may still be salvageable. Run along the shore here and gather up any building materials fit for a murloc. That's an admittedly low standard.


Also, you get: 10


Wet enough for ya?


<Archaeologist Groff picks through the wreckage.>

Well, not much here that don't look stepped on, sat on, or soaked in a toilet. But toss some thatch on top and it'll do.

Tell me, <name>, do you consider yourself an architect?


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 675 experience (40 50 at max. level)

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