Keep the Fires Burning - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database
Keep the Fires Burning


Commander Grimfang at Zoram'gar wants you to pour Mystlash Hydra Oil on the lighthouse fire.
Lighthouse Fire Lit


This is no small task, <race>!

We have more ships arriving, and without the lighthouse they'll be lost - or worse! You are hereby charged with keeping its fire lit.

Collect the blubber from the hydras in these waters, then bring it to the forge here to melt it into oil.

Throwing that oil on the lighthouse fire will buy us the time we need.


You can choose one of these awards:
Oily Bracers Alighted Boots Mystlash Bracers
Also, you get: 14


Nice work, <race>!

No more ships will run aground, thanks to you.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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