Consumed - Quests - Cataclysm World of Warcraft Database


Kill 6 Consumed Thistle Bears and investigate the lake they're drinking from.
Watering Hole Investigated


My first concern right now is for the thistle bear families who call what's left of these woods home. Just to our south, beyond the bear shrine, an entire generation has fallen ill. Gruesomely ill.

<name>, I don't know what they're suffering from, but it's consumed them from within. It pains me that a whole generation is beyond saving, but we've got to kill them off so that the earth can reclaim their bodies.

More importantly, we need to find the source. Investigate the shallow lake they drink from!


Also, you get: 10


<Kathrena recoils at your description of the ravaged animals and the cruel device at the bottom of the lake>

<name>, this is terrible. What is that thing, and how did it get there? Something is devouring these animals, physically and spiritually. I had suspected the satyrs or some sort of disease was the culprit, but this is shaping up to be something ... unnatural.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1350 experience (81 at max. level)

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